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Direct Mail Services

Direct Mail Services

Direct mail lets you keep in touch with existing customers and find new ones. Direct Mail remains the best way to reach your audience because you deliver a physical message to them that they can keep and pass on to friends and relatives.

Our direct mail services include:

  • Processing of First Class, Standard and Non-Profit Mail
    Our mailing software allows us to process mailing campaigns for First Class, Standard (Bulk Rate) and Non-Profit Mail.  We attain the absolute lowest postage rates available which are 30-50%  less than the cost of a stamp.

  • Mailing List Processing
    Your mailing list will be processed with our USPS address database to add the latest Zip+4 data.  Any undeliverable addresses will be returned to you for review.   Once your list is cleaned up we can remove any duplicates by either person, household or address. If you have more than one list we can combine them and remove any duplicates across the lists.  We can then send the list to the National Change of Address Service (NCOA) to update the list for anyone who has recently moved. 
  • Assembly and Addressing
    Once your list(s) are set up we can then assemble your mailing campaign.  Services include, printing, folding, tabbing and inserting.  Postcards and envelopes can be addressed and any other variable data can also be added.   To take advantage of the lowest possible postage rates postal barcodes are added to your mail pieces and the mail is then sorted into barcoded mail trays.
  • Delivery to USPS
    Once your mailing is addressed and sorted we then deliver it directly into the mail stream with advanced notifications uploaded electronically to the USPS. 


With Millennium doing your mailings you never have to print and label your mail or stuff envelopes again and our postage discounts alone can pay for the most if not all of work involved in doing your mailings.

Whether you’re introducing new services or keeping in touch with customers, direct mail is a still a great marketing tool.

Common Questions

Q: What are some of the best direct mail pieces?
Postcard mailings are (in our opinion) the most cost effective form of direct mail.  Once your card is picked up – your message is immediately read.  They can be printed on glossy paper stock with vibrant colors that really grab attention.  You can show off your products/services and promote them with any type of offer and call to action – including qr codes.  For 4x6 Cards the USPS has special first class rates that are in line with bulk (standard) mail rates but get delivered faster and offer free forwarding or return of undeliverable mail.  Postcards can be mailed up to 6”x11” for all lettersize mail rates.

Q: What is EDDM®?
A:  EDDM® is short for Every Door Direct Mail and is a way to mail Flat Size pieces to entire carrier routes without having to address the mail. You can read all about our EDDM services HERE.

Q: How can I mail at Non-Profit Rates
A: In order to mail at non-profit rates you need to fill out a form and submit to the post office near you.  Once approved you will be assigned an authorization number and then with that number we can mail for you at non-profit rates using our non-profit permit. You don’t have to pay for a non-profit permit for us to mail for you at these special rates.

Q: How do I rent a mailing list?
A: You can rent a residential or business list for just a few cents per record. The price depends on quantity and demographic/geographic selections.  We can target just about any type of list you can think of.

Q: How do I set up and send in my mailing list
Mailing lists should be saved in Text Format (Comma Separated-CSV, or Excel Format).  We can’t use label images or apple pages or numbers formats.  Mailing lists need to be created where each element of the record is in a separate column with one record per row/line.  Name, Title, Company, Address, City, State, and Zip Code need to all be in separate fields/cells across a single row/line.  You can email your lists to   You can include any fields that you require including record IDs so that you can import data back into your system once your list is cleaned up.